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Get ready to sweat and transform!
Welcome to HIIT Strength Training—where we push limits and break barriers! This isn’t just a workout; it’s a high-energy challenge that combines strength moves with intense bursts of power.
Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, you’ll crush it in this session. Let’s unleash your inner athlete and make every rep count. Are you in?
Welcome to our tasty concept; The Breakfast Club!
Three times a week we invite you to join our community for dynamic training, followed by a shared breakfast on the house. Hit Wod is our signature High Intensity Workout of the day! A combined strength and conditioning class. 45minute blast that will leave you with just as good a pump in the muscles as you feel in your heart.
The class is followed by breakfast together in our new, chill-out area from 8-9am.
This is the perfect way to start your day! Wake up, work-out and stay for a delicious breakfast with the wonderful people of our Mash-community
Bring a night out to your workout!!! With pumping music and a atmosphere to match, you are guaranteed to be walking into the weekend like no other. A combination of Strength to achieve that desired pump with HIIT exercises getting those endorphins flowing, this is class not to be missed getting you in that weekend mood!
This class will be held in our brand new room; The Cave. Equipped with disco lights and on special occasions a DJ spinning records 🎶
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
Bring a full water bottle and indoor shoes!
We will finish off by serving you some well deserved refreshments to get that weekend started!
Squat, lunge, crunch repeat for a serious workout that does what it says on the tin. Expect to feel the BURN and to tone up both your ass & abs!
Minimal equipment needed but maximum sass required.
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a yoga mat (Rent 30,-) , sweat towel and water
☑️ Yoga matt included
In this circuit workout you awaken your spirit, mind and body in order to push through. This sets a standard for the rest of your day and ensures that you are ready to go and take on the world like a warrior.
You will circuit around in 6 -7 different where you will experience everything from kettlebell swing, boxing, medicine ball slam, jump ropes +++
We recommend bringing a water bottle and a small towel.
Make muscle, burn calories, lose fat! An effective total body muscle conditioning workout utilizing a variety of equipment and options. A great complement to any cardio workout and recommended for all members.
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
☑️ Yoga matt included
Winter’s answer to summer training…This own bodyweight class is one not to be missed!
Things will soon start to heat up, with some tunes for those who are no strangers to rhythm and a vibe to match! HIT based class, functional and strength based movements with nothing more than body weight required.
The class is suitable for all and will most definitely leave you with that long lost summer feeling!
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
☑️ Non-members join by purchasing 1 or more klips/ Yearly subscription. Selected options available once you click to join!
Not only is HIT WOD our signature High Intensity Workout of the day but we are now fueled by Dalstons! What a great way to get your daily workout in followed by our healthy soda..Dalstons.
A combined strength and conditioning class. 45minute blast that will leave you with just as good a pump in the muscles as you feel in your heart.
This class is for all abilities and a great introduction to strength training!
Indoor shoes are recommended and your water bottle to stay hydrated!
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
Not only is HIT WOD our signature High Intensity Workout of the day but we are now fueled by Red Bull! This class will not only give you wings but also a complimentary post workout Redbull!
A combined strength and conditioning class. 45minute blast that will leave you with just as good a pump in the muscles as you feel in your heart.
This class is for all abilities and a great introduction to strength training!
Indoor shoes are recommended and your water bottle to stay hydrated!
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
Do you even lift? One hour of pure lifting, learning and getting to grips with your barbell skills. This class is for beginners to strength training, going through technique drills with base lifts with an introduction to Olympic lifts.
We recommend you follow our introduction class for several sessions so you can master the basics before progressing onto our intermediate strength class of which will take you to the next level.
☑️ All levels welcome
☑️ Please bring a sweat towel and water
Indoor shoes are optional.
Introducing «Knockout by Emelia,» a 45-minute session designed to unleash your inner strength. Experience a dynamic circuit combining bag punches, kicks, full-body HIIT with kettlebells, and empowering core work. This class goes beyond physical fitness—it’s a holistic journey that lets you vent, release energy, and conquer personal boundaries. Feel accomplished and ready to face whatever comes your way. Join us and rise stronger!
A modern studio in the heart of Oslo. We offer training of the highest quality and want to be a studio where you achieve your goals and see progress.
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