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The hot Yoga classes in our Black Room are heated up to 30- 36 degrees by therapeutic Infrared heating system. Our intention with the Black Room is to practice in a room with a tropical vibes and therapeutic heat.
Power Flow is a short and effective yoga class. This is an energizing vinyasa based class; a dynamic style of yoga that helps build strength and increase flexibility.
The class will be held in our Black Room which is heated to 36-38 degrees by therapeutic infrared panels
Bring a water bottle and a small towel.
A slower paced class that focuses on correct alignment and technique. It is a semi flow yoga based class aimed at stretching and strengthening the body but with focus on breath, focus and alignment.
We take the time to look at how the body should be aligned in poses and offer options to modify depending on your needs.
This is a perfect class for you that are completely new to Yoga and want to learn the basics, but also a useful class for advanced practitioners that want to slow down and fine tune the basics again.
Our Black Room which is heated to 36-38 degrees by therapeutic infrared panels. For the best possible experience, come well-hydrated, bring a towel and a bottle of water
Also recommend to bring your own Yoga mat, but you can also rent for us.
Vinyasa is a method of yoga in which yogic movements form a flowing sequence in coordination with the breath and awareness.
In Vinyasa classes you can expect fluid, and usually uninterrupted movement from position to position. Designed to progressively open the body, each sequence in a Vinyasa yoga class builds upon the previous, evolving into deeper, more advanced postures as the practice unfolds.
Each teacher will have their own touch from class to class.
Our Black Room which is heated to 36-38 degrees by therapeutic infrared panels.
For the best possible experience, come well-hydrated, bring a towel and a bottle of water. Bring your own mat or rent one for 30 NOK.
Welcome to a Hot Yin Yoga class in our Black Room which is heated to 36-38 degrees by therapeutic infrared panels.
Yin Yoga quiets the mind and cultivates a deep sense of awareness by releasing stress in the body and mind.
An antidote to urban lifestyle.
Yin focuses on releasing tension in the connective tissue, boost circulation, develop breath awareness, improve flexibility, releases fascia and improves joint mobility.
The poses are held for extended periods of time, allowing participants to relax while expressing patience and stillness.
A Sunrise Yoga class is designed to make you rise and shine, get you ready for your day. Get rid of the morning muscle stiffness, boost your focus and concentration, awaken your breath and welcome your day!
The sequences will vary from teacher and class to class.
Our Black Room which is heated to 36-38 degrees by therapeutic infrared panels. For the best possible experience, come well-hydrated, bring a towel and a bottle of water
Also recommend to bring your own Yoga mat, but you can also rent for us.
A modern studio in the heart of Oslo. We offer training of the highest quality and want to be a studio where you achieve your goals and see progress.
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